The Productivity Institute

Personal Productivity Solutions to Leverage Your Impact

Crucial vs. Not Crucial

By: Dr. Donald E. Wetmore We all have “too much to do.” True? Sure ‘nuf. And that says a lot of good things about you. That you have “too much to do” suggests that a lot of people have entrusted much confidence in you. I mean, people who are drifting about early each...

Crisis Management

By: Dr. Donald E. Wetmore Crisis Management, for the most part is when a deadline has snuck up behind you and robbed you of all choice. And crisis management, for the most part, is poor time management. Why? You’re under pressure, maybe cutting corners. Things can...

Control the Free-Fall

By: Dr. Donald E. Wetmore Do you sometimes feel a little bit out of control during your workday, wish you had more time to do the really important things or feel like you are doing a lot of wheel spinning on non-productive items? You are not alone. Eighty-five percent...

Conquer Telephone Tag

By: Dr. Donald E. Wetmore I love technology. I am not a technical person but I admire the techno-things that have helped my business, productivity and profitability. Things like laptops, the Internet, and email have cut costs and boosted productivity and profits...

Committee Chaos

By: Dr. Donald E. Wetmore When something’s tough And really gritty, Hand it over To committee. Watch them meeting, No agenda there; Tabling actions To later this year. And if it’s tough Then occasionally, It gets referred To a sub-committee. For further talk And full...

Checklist for Setting Up an In-House Program

By: Dr. Donald E. Wetmore In-house training programs are a valuable tool for an organization’s effort to increase the productivity and the success of its people and, therefore, the organization. They ought to be a regular ingredient in corporate management for success...