The Productivity Institute

Personal Productivity Solutions to Leverage Your Impact


50 Specific Tips to Immediately Increase Your Productivity

By: Dr. Donald E. Wetmore

  1. Plan your day – every day.
  2. Prioritize “things to do.”
  3. Get up early – organize thoughts.
  4. Practice good humor.
  5. Exercise daily.
  6. Join your professional association.
  7. Work with a clean desk.
  8. Set your training budget.
  9. Make goals specific in terms of quantity and deadline.
  10. Develop health goals.
  11. Develop family goals.
  12. Develop financial goals.
  13. Develop intellectual goals.
  14. Develop social goals.
  15. Develop professional goals.
  16. Develop spiritual goals.
  17. Maintain balance in all 7 Vital Areas.
  18. Develop Basic Values list.
  19. Avoid late night news and negativity.
  20. Avoid first morning news and negativity.
  21. Don’t be a complainer.
  22. Plan “goof-off” time.
  23. Plan adequate sleep time.
  24. Leave early – be on time.
  25. Establish reading program.
  26. Take lunchtime daily.
  27. Plan and take vacations.
  28. Prepare a goal scrapbook.
  29. Positive thoughts first 15 minutes of day.
  30. Inspirational reading daily.
  31. Inspirational music daily.
  32. Be conscious of your good appearance.
  33. Go for morning walk – see world wake up.
  34. Be networking conscious.
  35. Overload your days.
  36. Use 20/80 rule to your advantage.
  37. Work on one item at a time.
  38. Eat a good breakfast.
  39. Set out clothes night before.
  40. Do nightly 30-second review.
  41. Regular medical physicals.
  42. Don’t believe in “Someday I’ll. . ..”
  43. Be informed on world events.
  44. Monitor TV quantity and quality.
  45. Listen to educational tapes in your car.
  46. Delegate all that can be delegated.
  47. Put goals into writing.
  48. Put Basic Values into writing.
  49. Keep your calendar/schedule with you.
  50. Do daily planning the night before.
  51. Always do a little more than required.

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Dr. Donald E. Wetmore

Certified Executive Coach, Consultant and Trainer
Author, “Organizing Your Life” and “The Productivity Handbook”
Productivity Institute
Personal Productivity Solutions to Leverage Your Impact
127 Jefferson St.
Stratford, CT 06615
(203) 386-8062
(800) 969-3773
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