The Productivity Institute

Personal Productivity Solutions to Leverage Your Impact

The Eleven Biggest Lies

By: Dr. Donald E. Wetmore In the world of Time Management there are things said to us that we accept as truth and we act accordingly. The problem is sometimes they are not truths. They are lies and as we believe them, they waste our time. Those who speak these lies to...

The Curse of Perfectionism

By: Dr. Donald E. Wetmore There’s a rule known as the Pareto Principle. It teaches us that 20% of our efforts produce 80% of our results. The additional 80% of our efforts will only yield an additional 20% of results. The first thrust of effort then is the most...

Ten Super Marketing Ideas for the Professional Speaker

By: Dr. Donald E. Wetmore During the past thirty years as a full-time Professional Speaker, I have learned a lot about what to and, more importantly, what not to do to market Professional Speaking Services. Below are ten SUPER marketing ideas that have worked for me....

Systematize and Simplify

By: Dr. Donald E. Wetmore During thirty years as a Time Management speaker and consultant, I have learned and shared a lot of simple practices that help my audiences to increase their daily results. A lot of time is wasted because we don’t have a system in place for...

Stop Wasting Time

By: Dr. Donald E. Wetmore Life is often what happens to you along the way when you have planned otherwise because there are time wasters out there to throw you off the track. Your performance may not always match your intentions. To help you to increase your...

Stabilize Stress

By: Dr. Donald E. Wetmore Stress is a killer. There are some who would say, “there’s good stress and then there’s bad stress.” That’s sort of like saying, “there are good heart attacks and then there are bad heart attacks.” Maybe there is some positive benefit to the...